
Saturday, September 18, 2010

YAY! I Received a Sunshine Award!

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you'll find a spot of brightness just when you need it most? I've been having a very difficult week, thanks to a knee that's out of whack, a house that's frustratingly messy, and a pile-up of RL suckitude. Then, as I was going through comments today, I saw that Anita at A Splash of Serendipity has sent me a Sunshine Award!

I can't even explain how happy it made me! So hopefully I can pass that happy on a bit, and let it grow. Did you know happiness is one of the odd things that actually gives you more when you give it away? :D

1. Save the image above and post it on your blog.
2. Pass the award on to any fellow bloggers needing a bit of sunshine in their day.
3. Link the nominees.
4. Let the nominees know they have won this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person you received this award from!

You know, I think I'd send this to every blogger I know right now, but I'm gonna focus on just a couple. So... this is me passing it on!

Magic Maid, you cheer me up so much, and you make me giggle. I hope this makes you smile as much as it did me!

Daily Nail, you inspire me, you make me smile, you give me so much creative energy. You totally deserve some sunshine!

Have a great day, everyone! I've got some fun stuff coming up!