
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I hab a code. *sneeze*

Ugh, what a day. I seem to have picked up a bug along the way during the week, because I woke up in the middle of the night feeling as if I'd been overwhlmed by a group of small children screeching at the tops of their lungs while bearing sacks of Pokemon cards. Oh wait, that actually happened.

In all seriousness, though, I do seem to have a cold, so bear with me if my posts are sporadic or somewhat disjointed the next few days. I'm trying to post while all hopped up on Nyquil, and as I'm sure you can imagine, that's not the easiest thing in the world to do. (Note the lovely and accurate artist's self-portrait. Yes, I do look like Rudolf the rednosed raindeer, with an unfortunate butt-cut and glasses. It's not pretty. Be glad I didn't take pictures!)

And yet, having a cold  that requires copious amounts of cold medicine means I get to visit the pharmacy. As my poor husband has discovered, this means I can distract myself from the cold by browsing through cosmetics.

What? You mean I don't actually need a reason to wander through cosmetics? Shhh, don't tell him that, then he'll know it's just for fun! Work with me, people!

Wait, where was I? Oh yea. Cosmetics.

Once again, I was wandering through cosmetics with my sketchbook in hand, taking notes on all the cool stuff I found. Yea, the crazy lady taking notes on color and price while she mumbles to herself? That's me. Say hi next time.

And I found fun things, even though I'm still on a no-buy. So many fun new things, and here I am without a job... but I digress. Again. So what did I find?

Oh my goodness, y'all. It's Halloween, and there are so many amazing deals out there. If you love false lashes, this is the time of year to stock up. Basic lashes, fancy lashes, rhinestone-studded, glittered, feather lashes... you name it, they're out there, and often for less than $5 a pair. These are no worse than the lashes you'll pay lots more for, and they keep indefinitely. So stock up now, or wait til the day after Halloween to clean out the clearance racks!

This also a great time to nab specialty products: scar wax, latex, cosmetic glitter, stippling sponges and so on. However, the Halloween makeup kits you get are usually best left on the shelf, IMHO. They're often very cheaply made and you can end up with quite a breakout using some of those products. For a single night it's not so bad, but they aren't things you want to keep on hand for long-term usage.

I also saw several fun Halloween collections with inexpensive products! Sinful Colors has their Punk Rock collection out with a gorgeous selection of glitter polishes. I was very drawn to Daddy's Girl, a very deep, cool purple glitter polish that looks almost black until the light hits it.

Wet and Wild also has a Halloween collection out consisting of a body glitter gel, vials of cosmetic glitter in various colors, glitter eye liners and glitter polishes. Apparently Halloween is all about sparkle for Wet n Wild! Again, I went for deep purple glitter polish. Prowler is a warmer-toned and slightly brighter color than the Sinful Colors choice, and is full-on sparkle. Then there's Blue Jitters, a deep navy polish with a very subtle glitter. I'd LOVE to see that one on the nail!

Next, I found a display of Fantasy Makers, by the same company that produces Wet n Wild. This line has the traditional black and glow in the dark polishes, along with some really cute makeup kits that include a mini polish, a lipstick, and an eyeshadow duo. That's not bad for $5!

It was all I could do not to fill my basket with pretties. Wouldn't it be nice if we could trick or treat at our favorite cosmetics shops, getting goodie bags of cosmetics instead of candy! Dressing up would be so much fun.I'd probably have to go as a drag queen again... I haven't worn my purple lashes in ages!!

What would you wear for Halloween if we could trick or treat together? Leave a comment telling me what your costume would be, and where we'd go! Ahhh, Sephora, you'd be at the top of my list!!

Images from,


  1. I don't know what I'd dress up as...but Ulta and Sephora would definitely be at the top of my list! I hope you feel much better soon.

  2. I love your blog. Sooo funny. Thanks for that. Hope you feel back to normal soon. :o)

  3. Get well soon Laynie!


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