
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Life's a Beach- Revlon Beach, that is!

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope it's a wonderful day for you. If I had my way, I'd have every single one of you over for a giant party (catered, of course!) so we could sit and talk nails and fashion and just have a great time! Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way, so whether you're having a giant gathering or a simple day at home, I hope your life is filled with blessings and bright spots.

I'm thankful for so many things: my wonderful best friend (who happens to be my husband!), my awesome kid who isn't a kid anymore, my extended family and friends, the fact that my health is better right now than it's been in years. I also have to say this- I'm so thankful for every single one of you reading my blog, because you guys bring me so much joy every single day. I hope I can bring a smile or two to all of you as well! *hugs*

Ok, enough with the sappy stuff- let's get to the goodies! Today, I'm showing you a polish I got in a wonderful prize package from Dainty Darling Digits a while back. It's a very light golden green color with absolutely gorgeous shimmer. I think I would be absolutely in love with the color if it didn't make me have lobster hands!

The interesting thing about this polish (other than the gorgeous color) is that it's scented! I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not, since I don't particularly like the smell, but it's certainly interesting.

Beach applied really nicely, and although I was worried about brush strokes there really weren't any. It's such a lovely color, and I'm sad it makes my skin look so... icky. I'm now wondering if I should try layering it, or just set it aside to use in a prize package for someone else. =/

So what do you think- keep it or share the love? And what are you thankful for this year? I'd love to hear some positive stories!


  1. WOW! This would not be this awesome on me!

  2. This looks amazing! I bet it would be great with Hidden Treasure or one of its dupes.

  3. I have this polish and I hear you- it's such a gorgeous color but it's so bad on my hands!!! Hoping I can salvage it as a pedi color or something =(


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