
Friday, September 30, 2011

A New Amazing Blogger! Sarah from Chalkboard Nails

I apologize, y'all. I know I haven't posted enough of my own stuff lately, what with the world sort of deciding it was "Beat Up On Laynie Season." Still, I'm hoping you will appreciate the goodies I'm finding while I'm not blogging.

Can you believe this is an actual photo of the GITD mani?
Speaking of? Holy WOW, Nicole from Nightly Nails shared a link on Twitter last night that was the proverbial rabbit down the rabbit hole for me. This awesome glow-in-the-dark manicure is done by Sarah at Chalkboard Nails, and something about her blog just absolutely sucked me in and I ended up reading the whole darn thing.

Granted, she's fairly new at this, but still! She's sassy, interesting, and she can capture images of nails that glow in the dark!! I had to keep looking, and I'm so glad I did!

Now this is my kinda mod!
For example, look at this manicure: bold and graphic, a mix of glossy and matte, of muted color and saturated color, and of dark and light. I love this, and I love the mix of color. Something about this just works for me!

Also? I like that her nails are a similar length to mine, because it means I might be able to do some of these looks too! Nothing against you girls with the super-long nails, but mine just won't do that. Heck, even with acrylics I managed to break 'em off! What can I say, I'm talented that way...

I love lilies, and I love this manicure version of them!
Then there's this... I love this interpretation of a lily. I've been known to do photography of flowers, and I've got a lily photo that is very similar to the one she used as inspiration, so it really made me happy.

I also really like the softness of the sponged color fading out into the white contrasted with the bold dots, and the green touch at the cuticle is a gorgeous touch. It is a brilliant interpretation of a lily, and I may have to try one of my own!

But the best piece... there aren't words. Really. Just look!

*gibbers nonsensically*

Do you SEE that?? I've tried to do this type of manicure before, and I've never succeeded. I have my skills, but this isn't one of them. This is absolutely breathtaking, and .... Eh, to heck with it. Just drool over the picture!! :D

And if you've read this far, I've got a treat for you. Sarah is giving away the entire Wet n Wild On The Prowl collection, so you should totally hop over and enter! Or don't, since I wouldn't mind getting my hands on that one myself! ;)

While you're at it? If you haven't doe so already, you should totally head over to Nightly Nails and check her out too, she's one of the nicest people I know! Tell her Laynie said hi if you do!

Thank you, Nicole, for sharing the tweet that introduced this blog to me!
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