Well, unfortunately, we lost track of time and we wound up being out so long that there wasn't time to run me home tonight before husband had to go teach. "No big deal," I told him. "My blog post for the day is up. I'm fine, time-wise. I'll just work on replacing images in the blog."
Right. Have I mentioned that fibromyalgia makes you stupid sometimes? Yea. I got here and saw the date, and said, "Wait a minute, that's not right..." I went to my blog and realized... EEEK! NO POST!
But fear not, readers, I have pictures!! I've been kicking around ideas for business cards ever since I printed that first set. I've doodled several possibilities, and I'm not sure which one(s) I like best. So I'm going to do a poll and get y'all's opinions!!

Then I started feeling rainbowlicious! I know, I know, it's entirely too bright, but seriously, isn't this cute? I can't help it, I am absolutely addicted to rainbows. I'm just not sure about how I feel about it. It's cute, though.
Then I went for hand-drawn feel. Unfortunately, these are all using brushes and fonts I've downloaded, but they combine so cutely! The problem is, I don't know if this card suits my blog. Ahhh, decisions, decisions!
So, next I added some fun hand-drawn embellishments using brushes I'd downloaded. Aren't they adorable? I thought about coloring them, but it's just too fiddly for me. There's also the question- does this work with my blog?
Finally, I added a block of text describing my blog. You may need to enlarge the image to read it. The text definitely fits the blog, but the card as a whole? I have no idea... This is hard work!
Finally, I decided to use the brushes I'd made of my own drawings along with the photo of one of my earliest nail art attempts. It's cute, but I feel like it's missing something. Again, I just don't KNOW!!
So, those of you who have an opinion, how about sharing it with me? Which card do you think I should make, and why? Which card fits the theme of my blog and my personality best? Or do you think none of them work, and I should let YOU make a card for me? At this point, I'm open to just about anything, as long as it involves having someone else make a decision! =P