The following is a post sponsored by Yahoo! Every time someone clicks here to make Yahoo! their homepage, they're showing their support for Girls For A Change.
I was selected for this opportunity by Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.
I'm taking a break today from the usual cosmetics fun. I want to share something important with you, something that means a lot to me. It's a chance to do some good in the world that doesn't cost money and barely costs any time, so hear me out, ok?
When I was a teen, I went through a lot of stuff that I'd rather have avoided. So much of it could have been different if I knew I had the ability to make changes, a voice to help inspire others and even myself, really. I felt alone and powerless, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who felt that way.

Think about it- what things could you have accomplished if you knew in your teens what you know now? I wish I'd had someone to teach me these skills earlier!
I know, I know... beautiful concept, but what can we do about it? Easy. Change your start page to Yahoo by July 1, 2011. For every person who clicks this link to make Yahoo their start page, Yahoo will donate $10 to Girls for a Change. You don't have to sign anything, donate anything, talk to anyone... just click that link and make Yahoo your home page.
Yahoo will give up to $10,000 to Girls for a Change. Will you be one of the 1,000 people to help them get the money? I know I will.
And hey, even if you don't want to click the link, I still like you. The nail art will be back tomorrow. :D
This is a sponsored post, and it is 100% my own words and opinion.
See my disclosure statement for more information.